Friday, September 21, 2007

Just as i suspected, Hillary Clinton is just another bubble headed blonde chick...
I hate those types....Now she wants to raise Cigarette tax up to $10 a carton, and give the money to poor babies healthcare....
I already know several cigarette smokers, that only smoke half a cigarette and save the other half, for later...which is only speeding up their deaths,,,,,
smoking used cigarettes....put that in a study, and you’ll see i’m right...
and here’s the’s not cigarette smoke killing little babies....IT”S HUMMER drivers and NASCAR people that’s killing all the little babies....
JEEZE LOUISE...can H.Clinton get a life?....TAX the source, not the side show....
And while i’m on the subject of taxes,
in a perfect world, candy bars and hamburgers, would cost double, and apples would be 10 cent’s called tax junk food,
and then give the money to health food growers...
the one thing for sure, even though this makes perfect sense to you and me, it just goes right over the head, of those blonde haired bubble brain types....test it out yourself....go ask any blonde, should the government tax hummers and hamburgers, and watch the dumb-founded look on their face....
if there are any blondes reading this post, isn't what i just said, going right over your head, right now? answer honestly.....
i'll know if you're lying....

ok so i'll post some charts later.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


She couldn't care less about any little kid, she's just trying to get the votes of the parents of those little kids. they say there are 40 mill uninsured people in the us and she wants they're votes. She's a crook and i don't know why the sheeple elected her in the first place.
Steve S

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